Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas.....

Hello Everyone..... Merry Christmas! Sorry for not posting sooner, but mom's computer is down right now, and I have so much to post! I forgot to bring my camera to grandma's so I will have to post the photos from the last couple of weeks when mom gets her computer back and I get home. Right now I am using grandma's camera and computer. :)

I have been very busy over the weeks making my Christmas gifts for friends and family, baking cookies and bread for my doctors, and trying to stay healthy with all these weather changes and winds. (photos and post coming soon.... )

Right now I am at my grandma's in Bear Valley Springs (Tehachapi) waiting for the snow to come. There is a lot of snow across the valley and in the shade as they have received up to 14" over the last week in a half, but most of it was gone when mom and I arrived Tuesday evening. But it sure is cold (high: 33 not including the wind chill) and windy here. A photo from outside my grandma and grandpa's backyard. You can see some of my grandma's garden boxes.

My grandpa and grandma's snowman direction sign in their front yard that I just love. :)

We opened presents last night (Christmas eve) because I always sleep in late (not a morning person) and grandma, grandpa and mom get antsy waiting. They are so impatient! So since I am a night owl, we opened them last night. I was a bit tired though because I baked a lot yesterday during the day.

I was a bit tired though from baking a lot yesterday during the day. I made Reindeer cookies and helped make an apple pie. Baking just wears me out!

I am rolling the cookie dough into balls before flattening them as I am doing below. :)

Now I am putting on the nose (red m&m's)

the final touch.....

A little bit about the beginning of the week... Grandma came down to my house in Ventura on Monday after she dropped off my great grandpa and grandma at my great aunt's. Grandma, mom and I went to the mall as I still needed to do my Christmas shopping and I can't shop for mom with mom... I got a few things for mom, but didn't have any kind of a reaction till I found mom the perfect rain boats! Crazy look! I loved them and cracked up laughing when grandma showed me them. The pure color one was so boring, but I loved the crazy look. This is what I ended up getting mom. :) If you didn't know that I like crazy colors, well I DO!

On the way home from the mall, mom drove up some streets that had a lot of Christmas lights. I love looking at Christmas lights. We saw some beautiful ones.

Tuesday mom had to work, so grandma and I went for a cold walk to vons and then packed up the car to get ready to go to her house when mom got home from work. Mom is volunteering down at Channel Islands National Park Visitor Center once a week.
So anyway, grandma, mom and I headed up to grandpa and grandma's house... I rode in my car seat in my old car; the Saturn with grandma. Yeah!! I loved it. I really miss that car. I gave the car to grandma when I got my new van. I used to control the radio with my foot in that car!! :):) Drove mom nuts at time.

Back to today.... We are heading over to my grandpa's sisters house for dinner.

I hope EVERYONE has a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a WONDERFUL day today!! Best wishes to you!



1 comment:

* Amanda * said...

Hi Kayla!

Love your Christmas picture! you look so great and happy. :) And it looks like you did a great job baking cookies also.

We hope you had a fantastic holiday and enjoyed all of your presents.

Love and miss you,
Daddy, Amanda, & Alayna